Monday, September 4, 2023

Carnivore Queen




     Meet Maggie White, who runs the Haven Ranch in western Canada.  She is 82 years old.  You read that right.  She has been a carnivore for 65 years.  Going on appearance alone she looks to be no older than 60, possibly even younger.   This is not an altered or Photoshopped image.  She is a very real, and  very active, ranch owner, who is on no medications, and has no major, or even minor, health problems.   She eats 99% ruminant meat and drinks only water.  Barring accident, not an inconsequential probability for a rancher, she could easily live well past a hundred.

     The skeptical might claim that she is the beneficiary of remarkable genes.   Clearly she doesn't have bad genes, but rest assured that anyone eating the standard American carb and sugar saturated diet for eighty years is not going to be remotely as healthy and attractive as this intelligent and voluble lady at 82 years of age, regardless of their genetic heritage.  And keep in mind that as a rancher this lady spends a great deal of time outside soaking up the sun, but her diet has bestowed upon her visage a near complete lack of age and sun related weathering.  Truly remarkable, astonishing even.