Friday, November 12, 2021


      Chickweed fiction in order of initial publication.  Reading in this order is strongly recommended.  Remember that some of these pieces go back as far as 2015, so they should be read in light of what was happening in the strip at the time they were published.

       Subsequent events in the strip have inevitably nullified or altered some of what was written.  Please read the introductions very thoroughly before reading or downloading.  Thank you.

Across The Gulf Of Time




The Thoraxian Incident


The Name Game


Fate Train 



     For those who may be interested in my other work, I offer a three book science fiction series.  Initially published on Amazon, they are now available as free PDFs.  To make sense of the story they must be read in the following order.


To Sail The Purest Sea


The Empty Ocean


 The Prometheus Project


     Additional long form work.



Marietta Maternity 


     Short story.


Anna Louise Frasier Is A Genius

     You are welcome to roam around in my blog, but be aware that there is considerable political content.  From which I do not shrink in this forum, but such will not be tolerated in any of the FB pages of which I am an administrator.