Wednesday, January 10, 2024


     CICO is the hoary old acronym used to designate the Calories-In-Calories-Out nutritional paradigm.  It is pure bunk, and I can prove this with a simple example.  Does anyone in their right mind think that, say, the nutrition provided by 2500 calories of sugar, bread, pasta, rice, tacos, ice cream, cheesecake, etc. etc. is precisely equal to that of 2500 calories of beef?

     Didn't think so.  To be sure the above is an obviously nonsensical comparison, but nevertheless it's taken as gospel by most of the public and the medical establishment.  The major problem with this mindset is that we humans do not have a steam engine in our innards that is "burning" the food we eat.  What we do have is a metabolism that processes the macro-nutrients of fat, protein, and carbohydrates differently.  Radically different in fact, to put it as mildly as possible.

     Add up these differences and the result is that a high-carb diet is in every way grossly unhealthy, and a very low-carb diet is not.  And a near zero-carb diet is healthiest of all in the short, medium, and long term.  Carbohydrate toxicity is the bane of modern society in too many ways to count.  Toxic it most certainly is, and viciously addictive.  Among the numerous addictions of our world, carb addiction may well be the worst in terms of the overall health of that world.  It can be as hard to kick as smoking, drinking, and opiate use.  Stop the madness, dammit.  Go low, live long, and prosper.