Monday, October 1, 2018

Sneer Tactics

     It is instructive to note that Senate Democrats are outraged at the assertion that Ms. C.B Ford might have a political agenda informing her sundry accusations against Judge Kavanaugh.  How DARE you doubt her noble un-selfish veracity you toxic white male sexist fascist cis-het patriarchal Rethuglican pond scum!

     Perhaps they have a point.  Ms. Ford is a female academic and life-long progressive, of whom approximately 99.999875% fervently loathe any and all conservatives.  But progressives purport to be scandalized that many don't believe she is among the saintly un-biased .000125% who do not.  Consequently they noisily proclaim that her accusations must be taken at complete un-questioned face value without any taint of political agenda.

     And speaking of faces I swear the woman looks fifteen years older than her actual age of 55.  With today's gratuitous ad-hominem slur out of the way, let us consider the increasingly apparent fact that all women progressives absolutely must credit her accusations, regardless of the fact that exactly none of those accusations is anything but dodgy hearsay consisting of the vague memories of a drunken attendee at a third of a century old frat party.

     It's entirely about the feeeeelz now.  Since Ms. Ford has been anointed as a "survivor" she must be believed unto the last desperate extremity. The long established courtroom strictures of English common law are discredited oppressive concepts in the court of evidence-free public opinion, better known as a kangaroo court.  I am however skeptical we could locate an actual kangaroo dumb enough to sneer at the concept of "innocent until proven guilty", even on Roo-Tweet and Roo-Book.  Sneers and Roo-Book?  Unlikely.

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