Sunday, October 15, 2017


     Well my fellow Chickweedians, it's time for another tale about events hidden behind the wainscoating of our favorite comic.  It is an exploration of aspects of the very controversial did-they-or-didn't-they tryst of Seth and Edda in July 2017.  I'm convinced their tryst was, er, successful.  What follows here is hint and inference run wild.

     What happened in the strip in July 2017 has been a well-gnawed bone of contention by commenters since it first appeared.  The mini-arc was rife with red herrings and ambiguity, but the ending strip of July 27 makes it very difficult to gainsay the fact that Edda and Seth did in fact make love.  Warning! Warning! Be advised that this short story is quite X-rated.  If Brooke can push the envelope then so can I.




     Will somebody please tell me what on earth has happened to Seth?  Why is he suddenly leaving the door ajar to something more between us than roommate?  Why after all this time is he seemingly responding to what he has always laughingly referred to as my "feminine wiles"?
     We have just had the most bizarre encounter.  He's gone on about how a "part" of him has always wanted me, but an even bigger part is resolutely protective of me.  He's let me kiss him and fondle his magnificent body in ways I've never dreamed would happen.  And I've dreamed about it hundreds of times.  I simply can not resist him, and he knows it, but for the very first time I see him struggling to resist meWhy?
     It's undoubtedly because he knows full well I'll leap at any opportunity to make love to him, with no heed of consequence.  Tonight he nattered on about thirteen percent of this and eighty-seven percent of that.  Obfuscatory nonsense and nothing but.  Why tell me about his supposed partial desire for me now?  Could it possibly be Xiulan's "luscious" kiss?   Sorry, not buying it.  If her kiss was so stupendously luscious and involving, then when she kissed Amos four months ago her professed virginity might not have lasted out the hour.  Despite appearances, my Amos is a major stud with the skills and equipment to prove it.
     I suppose it's possible that the kiss of the cute little dragon lady, coupled with the environment of the wedding, caused some switch in Seth's noggin to flip from off to on, or the reverse.  Perhaps a tipping point was reached as he observed Ginger and Gerald's lusty connection.   Perhaps perhaps blah blah.  Any real explanation may remain elusive.  Bye the bye, good on G & G.  I hope they are cheerfully diddling each other as we speak.
     Another perhaps.  Did he suddenly realize that, however much he professed to adore Fernanda's talent, he enjoyed sex with her even more?  Because by golly he boinded her at least a half dozen times in two weeks, maybe more, consequently erasing her virginity in spectacular fashion.  He had to have enjoyed it immensely or there wouldn't have been so many repeat performances. 
     Did he actually fall in love with her, and did he respond to her powerful femininity far more than he admitted?  My guess is yes.  And I sensed it at the time because during those two weeks steam routinely issued from my ears in jealousy, and frustration.  He professed to be relieved when she shunned his proposal of marriage, but if she had assented I think he might have been quite pleased.  From then on I pretty much assumed he was bi-sexual, whatever his protestations to the contrary were.  He simply enjoyed bedding Fernanda too much for me to draw any other conclusion.  Unfortunately, it only made me want him to ravish me even more intensely.
     It could be that since he and Mark have been on the outs for so long that his appreciation of the feminine has crept to the fore.  It's been a year now since they kinda sorta maybe temporarily "broke up", and to my knowledge Seth hasn't had been intimate with anyone in all that time.  For that matter Mark didn't service Seth's dipstick all that often, so far as I was able to tell anyway.  Seth is surrounded at work by women and surrounded at home by me, poor guy.  He doesn't cruise gay bars and he's affected very few, if any, of the outward trappings of the "gay lifestyle", whatever the hell that means exactly.  Outside of the fact that he's a ballet dancer there are few people who meet him and immediately come to the conclusion he's gay.  He despises the term "gaydar", but he would not strongly register on the scopes of those who fancy they possess an accurate example of it.
     That gayness, whatever the heck percentage it might be, only reveals itself when one spends a lot of time around him.  He's a general fussbudget and a clean freak, but that's hardly a slam dunk since Amos has some aspects of both those characteristics, and believe you me he is so not gay.  Amos presents as a somewhat weedy nerd, and he's obviously not the physical specimen that Seth is.  But, he more than makes up for it by sweetly and expertly screwing my brains out on a routine basis, which always elicits multiple hand-grenade class orgasms from me during each and every delicious session.  Plus he's ready and raring to go again less than a half hour after resolving, and has stamina enough to do me a dozen times in a twenty-four hour period, which he has, twice.  More importantly, he loves me unreservedly and patiently tolerates my countless foibles and neuroses.  As Thorax's Pap might say, "That boy ain't right".  I daily thank the very Heavens for that un-rightness.
     Amos and I should have been boinking each other since we were sixteen, maybe even fifteen.  There was not the slightest doubt by then that we loved and desired each other, but little prissy-pants me didn't want to take a chance on "ruining our special friendship."  Ridiculous.  I'd be willing to bet that even the most special friendships are not ruined by deep affection and transcendently satisfying sex.  Some idiot, that would be me, decided to wait, and wait I did until my virginity finally gave up the ghost in Brussels.   Stupid stupid stupid, although that denouement was glorious in the extreme.
     In my defense I didn't know how wonderful sex would be with Amos.  I didn't know if I'd like sex at all.  I did go so far as to practice putting condoms on vegetables in case Amos should ever rise to the occasion.  The occasion never came until Brussels, but only because I refused to let it.  After assisting his rise to prominence with my hands and mouth, I rolled a condom down around his lovely hard member for the first of hundreds of times. It's an event that's burned into my brain, in the very nicest way, as was the feel of him inside me.  And there was only the tiniest bit of pain, quickly forgotten, when he slid into me the first time.  And yes Mr. Snoopy Pants I orgasmed that first time, powerfully, but I think it was due more to the scorching heat of the moment than any direct stimulation.
     Other than daydreaming and reading about sex, the only example I had at home was of course mom and Elliot.  She was delighted that Elliot so sweetly rogered her on weekend nights, their busy schedules did not encourage weeknight whoppee, but I also thought they were more into teasingly romantic playfulness than dirty dancing.  I could have been wrong, but even if meine mutter's pounding orgasms, genuine according to her, were noisily apparent in the wee hours, I don't know that Elliot transported her to quivering orgasmic heights in the way that Amos can with me.  I very much hope he did, and I hope still does.  Many people recoil from acknowledging their parent's sexuality, but the apparent continuing health of mom's and Elliot's sex life fills me with nothing but joy.  And regardless of what form of physical intimacy Gran and Peter enjoy, it delights me no end.  Two people have never deserved happiness more.
     Some people, my friends and relatives for instance, probably think I suffer from pathological nymphomania, but they are wrong.  It's not pathological, but it may well be psychological.  There is a very good reason for this condition and its name is Amos Lucian van Hoesen.  As luck would have it he suffers from a variety of satyriasis wherein his lust is focused on only one woman.  Oh lucky nympho am I.  Ain't symmetry grand?
     Let us refocus on one Mr. Seth Michael Appleby, who has this night intimated that he has wanted to insert tab S into slut E for a long time.  For her part slut E has wanted tab S inside her since about five seconds after they were introduced.   Herr S been aware of the situation for about that long as well, but has never succumbed.  Not even this night when at long last it seemed imminent.  He stayed his hand from the plow, or more accurately stayed his member from my mouth.  Just as I was about to yank down his sleep shorts and stuff said member down my gullet, he pulled me up and held me while I struggled not to cry in bitter disappointment.  Then he bid me goodnight and went to his room muttering about how we should just forget what happened.
     God I feel awful, and like a perfect fool.  A despairing pathetic fool.  I should be mad at him for letting things go so far, but I'm not since it's obvious he is undergoing some sort of existential crisis.  He has admitted that he suffers from the delusion that I'm drop dead gorgeous and has inferred, not for the first time, that he would diddle me instanter if his honor permitted.  Well maybe so, but Gran has recently had a few things to say about such honor, mostly ugly things.  She claims an honorable promise essentially ruined most of her life, and I have no reason to doubt her.
     Perhaps Seth thinks that if we ended up in the sack he'd be required to marry me.  However, he could diddle me deaf dumb and blind for a month (yes please) and I'm sure I'd enjoy the hell out of it, but I'd still marry Amos.  Whatever might happen, that is non-negotiable.  Amos is my soulmate, the being with which I have a connection that cannot be sundered.  I love Seth fiercely, and he is one of the two sweetest men I've ever met, and would very much like to have him in my bed, but our connection is just not, quite, as transcendent as the one I have with Amos.  For his part, Amos is (all too) aware of how strongly I feel about Seth, and would not likely judge me too harshly if a consummation were to take place.  Put as plainly as possible, I burn to have Seth inside me, but not beside me in a chapel.  However, if we lived in a universe where morality and honor held less sway then...
     As I dictate this into my own head I note that I have flung scatologies, about with abandon.  I'm not shy about many things, but uttering common vulgarisms is something my brain will simply not tolerate.  But, in the privacy of my own noggin the F-word evokes the raw animalistic aspects of the sex act far better than any timid euphemism can manage.  That it is used so heedlessly as a one-size-fits-all adjective, verb, adverb, and insult irks my linguistic stiff neck no end.  Diane and I are in accord on this issue, but she is unlikely to use the word even the privacy of her own mind.  I may think it, but I never utter it.
     "Making love" evokes tenderness, caring, comfort, ease.  Said F-word evokes hard member stuffed into wet waiting clefts glorying in the feel of male issue flowing into wombs or mouths, moaning in a red haze of heedless lust, and screeching like a banshee in body wrenching orgasm.  Most of the time people combine these aspects to some degree or other, but there are times when I just want to be royally screwed like a mindless mink in heat, to delight utterly in watching a turgid member spray musky redolent gluey man goo into me and all over me.  
     I once found out that I seemed such a verbal shrinking violet when it came to profanity or scatology that people were uncomfortable using salty terms in my presence.  I'm far from a goody two-shoes, but unlike some people whatever strong language is rattling round my febrile noggin does not automatically make a break for it through my pie-hole.  As far as the impression that I am allergic to rough talk I blame Gran, whose overwhelming and bitter rectitude played havoc with my formative years.   And of course I would have never uttered even the mildest expletive in Sister Stephen's presence.  As a child I was vaguely aware that Gran's married life had been distinctly unpleasant and loveless.  I was later to find out just how direly unpleasant it had been, but that still leaves me wondering whence came that exaggerated sense of morality and proper behavior.  Is this a common overreaction to her sort of bitterness?  Passing odd it is.
     It seemed even odder after we found out what a lusty wench she once was.  She heedlessly and aggressively insisted the love of her life roger her half to death in the mid-fifties when she joyfully and intentionally conceived my mother.  In a truly sane world she would have been on that plane to Vienna with Peter to live a life of genuine love and fulfillment.  She didn't do that because of a fleeting wartime promise to another.
     I have read some of the drafts of mom's book in progress about Gran's, Bill's, and Martine's lives during and after the war.  Despite the working title of The Wolverine of Normandy, all three people's stories are interleaved through it.  In it she judges that her mother's decision to not marry Peter was a horrible mistake, and Gran readily admits to the truth of that proposition.  Sometimes our cortices should not be heeded when they attempt to override our gushing hormones.  The trick of the thing is knowing when.  Of course if she had married Peter I wouldn't have been born.  Details details.  For her part Gran is philosophical about the mistake, which is made possible by the extreme contentment of finally being in Peter's loving presence.  I tend to tear up when I think of Peter.  He is just the sweetest Großvater ever.
     Gran had thought back in the day that she was in love with two men.  She's now convinced she was flat wrong.  By contrast I know with profound certainty I am in love with two men.  My heart and hormones gush for Amos and for Seth, but my cortex has been unsuccessful in its efforts to moderate my lust for Seth like a "good girl" should.  Polyandry would be a perfect solution, but an impossibly tough sell for both men, and just about everyone I know with the possible exception of Isabel.  Without doubt Diane would be utterly aghast at the idea.  Sister Steven would require EMS stat.  A few years ago Gran would have been horrified at the prospect, but I wonder if she would be so dismissive of it now.
     It's a crazy idea I suppose, but I know I'm definitely capable of properly servicing both my notional husbands' emotional and sexual needs, and alternating baby making with them would be a wondrous thing indeed.  I would love to keep both of them in my life as sexual personae (who wouldn't) but I doubt that is in the cards.  Honor and morality forbid it, dammit.  Perhaps if I stamp my feet hard enough the universe will rearrange itself for me.
     Among my jostling crowd of neuroses is the fact that I don't take rejection well (oh shut up), and this night has proven it.  Clearly my "wiles" were ultimately not up to the task of penetrating Seth's armored honor.  Maybe I will acknowledge that it might not be such a good idea to have Seth in my bed once I get past this sick feeling in my stomach, and the ache in my heart.  I can't even flee to Amos for comfort since he's out of town and won't be back until Monday.  I don't even have the urge to pleasure myself as I often do when bereft of Amos.  I just feel numb.
     I shuck my undies, which for some entirely known reason are thoroughly drenched, wearily climb into bed, and pull up the covers.  My nightie stays on.  Despite my libertine leanings I usually sleep in something other than skin.  I leave my little bedside lamps on.  The dark would just make me feel even lonelier.  I doze, very lightly apparently because I'm instantly awakened by a small noise.  I pop up and see the door handle turning.  The door swings open and Seth steps through.
     The breath catches in my throat.  The light is weak, but Seth is revealed in his glory, naked as a babe and resplendently erect.  That resplendency is enormous, but then so is he, so I suppose it's only proportional, but I wonder where he's been hiding that monster all these years.  Amos is wonderfully long and thick, he fits me perfectly, but Seth is significantly larger in both dimensions.  I never would have guessed.  He must have a very high, er, rate of inflation.  He's gripping a bath towel by his side.   My stomach lurches, my vision narrows, and someone has opened the throttle on my heart rate.
      I'll be damned.  My wiles may have worked after all.  Or maybe his lust has bum-rushed his honor out of the building.  His whole body seems as rigid as his huge member, but his face softens as he kneels by my bed.  In a near whisper he says,  "I love you Edda.  God forgive me but I do."
      Predictably it's a line from a musical, but I'll take it.  He bends to kiss me and I smash my mouth to his and bring our tongues to battle.  I wrap a hand around his engorged member which considering its size must have sequestered a quart of his blood to achieve its iron stiffness.  One hand won't go nearly around it but I stroke it as we frantically osculate, feel its heavily veined texture.  I wrench my mouth away from his long enough to snarl,  "Fuck meNow!"
     He climbs gingerly onto the bed and and I quickly shuck my nightie then my legs spread wide for him.  I am far beyond ready and I'm lubricating like a broken faucet.  I guide him into position, he gently parts the ways, slides slowly and carefully in.  Feeling no obstruction, or hearing any complaint, he keeps sliding until I have enveloped his enormity.  There is no pain.  He is immense, but I am no tight blushing virgin.  I will later wonder how Fernanda accommodated him without tremendous discomfort.
     Dear sweet God he feels good.  The pressure is intense but I feel nothing but a glowing diffuse pleasure.  He slides back out and begins to slowly thrust.  My eyes roll back in my head and I hear whimpering mewling coming from my mouth.  My legs rotate back and spread as wide as they can and my toes reach for the sky  My hips roll up to better aim his thrusting.  Thrust he does, and I feel my cusp approaching quickly.  Suddenly I clamp around him and my hand muffles the screaming proof of my orgasm.  Fifteen seconds later I orgasm even harder, still he thrusts, more steadily and rapidly now.  I orgasm a third body convulsing time.  It can't have been much more than a minute since he entered me.
     Six years of want was exploding through me.  I was orgasming uncontrollably as his great member filled me.  I often orgasm during intercourse, but this eruption of incendiary pleasure simply had to be psychological.  The mere idea that my own personal god of ballet's vast member was penetrating me was enough to send me over Niagara, without a barrel.  Whether it's directly stimulating or not I adore penetration.   But I don't know if I would orgasm so strongly if I did not love and want the person penetrating me.  I orgasmed mere seconds after Amos first penetrated me in that Brussels hotel room nearly four years ago.  I have to admit I'd wanted him inside me since I was fourteen.  It's a good thing I had no idea how much I'd enjoy sex with him or we would almost certainly have been screwing since then.  In any case, my supposed nymphomania was well and truly kick-started that glorious Brussels night and has scarcely abated since. 
     Abruptly, Seth buries himself in me, stills, emits a deep growl, then gushes.  And when I say gush I mean that he floods my insides with more man stuff than I could ever imagine issuing from a male human type person.  I writhe, quiver, and yelp in continuous orgasm beneath him.  Presently the tsunami recedes, our breathing eases, the red haze dissipates.  I now know what it's like to be on the receiving end of a year's built up lust for a man built and hung like a bull.
     He stays planted within me until he softens completely, withdraws gently, cups my bottom, lifts it to slide the doubled towel under it.  He lays his bulk beside me on the narrow bed.  I rotate myself to face him and we begin to kiss.  We kiss, almost frantically, for what seems an age and his issue messily drains from me for what seems an equal age.  I begin to cry though our kisses.  "What's wrong, honey?"
      I sniffle.  "Nothing.  Nothing at all.  Oh god Seth, it''s far more wonderful than I ever dreamed."
     "Same for me, my love.  You are an erotic treasure beyond price."
     "Was Fernanda such a treasure?"
     "Yes.  I admit it now.  I admit I loved her femininity, and I adored having sex with her, but not half so much as what has just happened."
     "No need to salve my jealousies darling man.  Comparisons are odious anyway.  I'm just glad you're here my darling."
      He smiled.  "Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to do this?"
      "Since Fernanda went back to Brazil?"
      "Jealous minx.  No it was long before Fernanda.  Remember what I said about Xiulan's kiss?  Well it was very nice, but more importantly it set a train of thought into motion that resulted in a real, and long delayed, epiphany.  I finally realized that although I have long said that I considered you off limits because you were promised to another, there was no real point to my self imposed nobility.  There is literally nothing I could do, nothing anyone could do, to move your heart from sweet Amos to someone else.  Even this.  If we made love a hundred times it wouldn't matter to either of you because there is only one key to your heart and it is permanently in his pocket."
     I felt more tears come.  "Seth, do you have any idea how much I love you?"
     "I do honey, I do, and I love you just as much, but you are Amos's mate, the real, honest, and true love of his life.  And he is yours.  There's nothing I can do about that.  There's nothing I want to do about that, except to make sure you wear my ding-dang dress when you tie the knot."
     "Remember the last wedding dress fitting we had a few weeks ago?  When I brought the dress in you blithely stripped naked in front of the supposedly oblivious gay guy to try it on.  I was absolutely thunderstruck.  I thought, 'Oh my God oh my God.  She is so pretty and sleek and sexy and perfectly shaped.  Heaven help me I want her.  I don't care about anything anymore. I-just-want-her.  I don't care if she's promised to another because that another is Amos who will forgive her anything.'"
     "So earlier when you showed up in my room in misplaced despair about your attractiveness to me, I found myself at last revealing how I felt about you.  I ranged it about with some silly humming and hawing about percentages, but that was just a sham.  But, when I realized we were probably going to end up in bed, I chickened out.  I halted things out in indecision about how wrong it might be.  So I sent you off to bed and went to my room cursing myself.  Then the vision of your sweet naked body came to me again and I immediately got so hard it was painful.  It was just too much, far too much, so here I am and here we are.  I hope I didn't hurt you."
      "Oh no not at all.  I've always wondered.  Did you hurt Fernanda?"
     "I don't think so.  She never evidenced any sign of pain.  To be honest she was no tighter than you are.  Which makes me rather skeptical of her claim of virginity, but that is of no importance."
     "Well, I'm glad for that.  So now what?"  
     His what was more kissing.  A lot more kissing.  Kissing until we were miles past numb.  Kissing until he hardened and was again exploring the depths of my nether regions.  He explored them four times before the dawn, and several towels gave their all to prevent my bed from becoming a soaked gooey mess.  He explored them twice between breakfast and lunch and a very grand total of ten more times by Sunday evening when we finally staggered to our separate beds thoroughly boinked and talked out, our reservoirs exhausted and stamina at low ebb.
     Seventeen times in forty-eight hours we have coupled (counting oral exams), but luckily my lubricity has matched our lusts so neither of us is even sore.  Did I mention the four incredibly erotic showers. the three massages, the four bottles of wine, the thousand kisses, nibbles, tweaks, licks, laughs, and tears?  It was epic.  Epic cubed.  The dragon is slain.  The God Eros propitiated (more like thrashed into submission).  I think we may have just taken the cure for our erotic obsessions.  It's been exquisite beyond words, but we do not really need to repeat the experience.  That would only sully a perfect memory.  Funny, but in a few months I will have had my second honeymoon night.  And oh yes, eat your heart out Fernanda.
     I'm exhausted to my bones, in many ways and all my parts, but when my Amos shows up tomorrow  he is getting the ride of his life.  He may notice that my bedroom looks like an F-5 twister hit it.  In other words completely normal.
     Seth is an enormously generous and enthusiastic lover, not quite as inventive and talented in either regard as my Amos, but he'll do.  Oh my goodness he'll do.  Plus he's a world class romantic.  There are bereft women who should know all this, but he is much too shy and circumspect to play the role of Lothario in real life.  His soulmate is out there, and it's likely to be a woman.  He likes men of course but one of his stated goals is to have several children and few gay men would countenance a house full of rug rats.  Few men period these days.  Hmmm.  Maybe I will give Fernanda a call down where the reedy wail of the bandoneon is often heard.  It would make my heart sing to see her tango her way back into his heart and life.  And she would give him children.
     As for my sweet Amos he will be having children.  At least we're going to try.  I have no idea how successful that endeavor will be.  I don't tolerate homonal birth control well at all, which has made latex in integral part of our love making, but by golly the "gloves" are coming off on our honeymoon.  However, for all I know I might have difficulties with the ovarian fibroids that caused me to think I was pregnant.  When I had an ultrasound to check for them they were there, but only just barely because they were only two almost invisible specks.  No need for anything invasive to remove them.   Haven't had them checked lately so they could well keep me from actually getting pregnant.  I'll definitely go for the procedure if necessary.  It's bizarre how much variability in achieving pregnancy there is for nominally healthy people.  Diane and Francis deliberately tried to get pregnant but it took over two months of continuous consortium to achieve it.

        Whether or not I tell Amos about what just happened I don't really know.  I famously can't keep a secret, but this might be the first one I'm forced to keep long term.  He loves me so much, and is such an incredibly understanding person, he probably would not be too saddened by my confession, but it's a risk.  Perhaps a few years of being a good wife and mother will lessen the sting if I wait to tell him, well, I don't know when.  Perhaps after I deliver our second child.  Four baby booties on the ground should convince him that my youthful indiscretions were of a nothingness in the greater schema.  I wonder if I will be able to convince myself.  What I am convinced of is that I'm going to speed up the wedding plans as fast as possible.  I just don't want to wait any longer.
     However, I can not be ashamed of something I have wanted for so long and enjoyed so incredibly much.  I'm sure I'll cry like a baby when I move out, for more reasons than will be privy to anyone but Seth.  Because although Seth and I have raunchily converted our bodies into exhausted gasping heaps, there is no question we have very much made love to each other.  Oh my Seth.  I love you so much my dear sweet man, but soon must attend my husband  The blazing torch of my desire for you is now a gently guttering candle, but extinguishing that flame will never be possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you, my other sweetest love, from the veriest bottom of my neurotic heart, thank you.


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