Friday, August 4, 2023


     It appears that the medical establishment in this country, and virtually all others, is simply not interested in the root causes of chronic disease.  There are a few exceptions, such as warnings against smoking, but by and large medicos of every stripe only want to treat diseases, not prevent them.  They "know" that patients are often not going to adhere to their advice about nutrition.  And by often they really mean virtually never.  The perverse situation as it stands today is that not only do medical folks think patients will not follow their advice, they also almost always give nutritional advice that is plain dead wrong.  They parrot the "eat whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, eat low fat, cut back on salt and avoid red meat" holy mantra of the overall medical profession.

     Such advice is a killer, and that's not mere metaphor.  That advice kills people, period.  Adhering to the holy mantra will make virtually every chronic disease worse.  It also weakens people's immune systems thereby reducing the effectiveness of that system in the face of bacterial or viral diseases.  The successes of the low-carb way of eating have made few inroads into the solid granite nutritional mindset of most doctors, and "nutritionists" of course.

     One can go to a doctor's appointment having reversed Type 2 diabetes, ameliorated or eliminated a wide variety of gastrointestinal malfunctions, eliminated psoriasis, lost significant weight, increased heart function, mitigated arthritis and other forms of joint pain, eliminated fatty liver, decreased cognitive decline significantly, etc. etc, and when the doc sees that you have elevated cholesterol they go into panic mode and demand that you go on a cholesterol lowering statin drug.  Which is most especially ironic because an increase in dietary saturated fat is part and parcel of why so many chronic ailments have been conquered by low-carb eating.   

     The myth of harmful dietary cholesterol refuses to die regardless of the fact that study after study, real controlled clinical studies, have long since disproven the myth.  They have also proven that statins increase all cause mortality.  You might, emphasize might, have a very slightly lower risk of heart attacks if you take a statin after a heart attack, but you are more likely to die from something else as a result of lowering cholesterol to dangerous levels.  And all of this is a result of the medical profession wanting to throw drugs at chronic illnesses rather than establishing root causes.  It's just easier, and far  more profitable, than trying to suggest truly effective dietary changes to an increasingly fat and sick population who would rather gobble pills by the handful than alter their dietary habits.

    Low-carb eating is very nearly miraculously effective in the reversal of chronic diseases, and not a penny has to be spent on drugs to do it.  You can well imagine how dim a view of low-carb eating big pharma and big food have.  They hate it, and they are marshaling heavily financed forces against it.  "They" have real blood on their hands.  Vast buckets of blood, endless, needless, suffering and death.  The overall medical system, as it is currently constituted, is far far more interested in treating chronic diseases with drugs instead of addressing the real root causes of them.  The "First, do no harm." injunction of the Hippocratic Oath signed by doctors is largely irrelevant now. 


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