There is a lot of chatter these days about "inflammation" being the boogeyman for all things metabolic. I used to think that such talk was overly alarmist, but no more. "Inflammation" just means tissue irritation, but years or decades of that constant irritation can be more accurately described as "damage". But what is doing all this damage to our metabolisms? There are a number of factors, including sundry environmental issues, but the vast majority of this damage is caused by what we stuff down our pie-holes. In and of itself this is not that controversial, but the remedy for all this damaging inflammation is controversial as hell.
Vegan activists, and their sycophants in the meedja, swear up and down that a plant based diet is the way to go to reduce said inflammation. To a limited extent this is true, initially. When one goes on a vegan or vegetarian diet there is a strong tendency to avoid the tsunami of sugar saturated junk food available to us. This alone will result in some health improvements. However, as time passes the low nutritional level of plants becomes a problem, a bigger and bigger problem over the years, until the veggies' health takes a nose dive which no amount of supplementation can reverse.
A meat based way of eating with a very low level of carbs needs no serious supplementation. The only supplement I use is Vitamin D because I don't get enough sun. Since I eat eggs I may well not need the Vitamin D, but I take is a a purely precautionary measure. That's it, and I have zero symptoms of any other vitamin or mineral deficiency, including Vitamin C.
A meat heavy very low-carb diet is the least inflammatory regimen there is, period. And since inflammation damage is a principle cause of auto-immune conditions, and a wide variety of other chronic conditions, all of those things can be prevented, ameliorated, or even completely reversed. Hyper-insulinemia, the result of binging on carbs, is the number one cause of the explosion of obesity, diabetes, and many other maladies that are plaguing the populations of the industrialized countries. So, eat your carbs, the ones you just can't do without, and enjoy your life while you can. But, if they don't cause early death from a wide variety of chronic conditions, you will slowly and painfully deteriorate in body and mind until your last years will be occupied by being immobile, confused, and in constant pain while swallowing a handful of pills every few hours in a nursing home. What you "gotta have" will be replaced by what you actually got.
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