Monday, January 22, 2018

Mariachi The Vote

     I see where California has dropped the last pretense that unrestricted immigration is not a Democratic voter importation project.  They will apparently issue voter registration cards along with driver's licenses to, well, whoever the hell shows up at the DMV.  The registrant must avow that they are a legal immigrant, but no proof of such will be required.  That would be racist, somehow.  It seems that any advantage in actually being a citizen or legal immigrant in California is rapidly disappearing in the rear view.
     Before scoffing that there is no importation project, consider for a moment that if it was generally known that immigrants from south of our borders were more likely than not to vote for conservative or Republican candidates, I am 100% certain that California would be one of the most immigrant hostile states in the nation.  The same would go for Oregon, Washington, New York, Massachusetts, and sundry other right coast urban enclaves.
     However, the aforementioned polities know doggone good and well that immigrants are far more likely to vote Blue than Red.  The need for this may seem a bit odd since those states could scarcely be any bluer than they are already.  Leftists are almost certainly playing the long con, er, game because encouraging unlimited immigration in southern border states may well pay off by shifting some reds to blue in due course.
     The reddish states are currently much less likely to roll over to get their tum-tums scritched by leftist activists so it may take a good while for them to cave in to relentless pressure.  We should acknowledge that a flanking move is underway with the push for a country-wide amnesty in order to convert as many immigrants as possible into Democratic voters in an attempt to swing the electoral college more firmly in the blue direction.  We hear continuous carping about how unfair the electoral college is.  Odd, we heard no such kvetching when Obama buried his opponents in electoral votes.
    Whatever the actual details of this process may be, most conservative voters are convinced the electoral motivation is the driving force behind amnesties because all of the egregious immigrant criminal coddling, open borders lunacy, and sanctuary city virtue signalling makes absolutely no sense otherwise.  The "humanitarian" hustle in the sanctuary states applies nowhere other than on the leaky southern border.  One sees no demonstrations loudly calling for unrestricted Canadian, Dutch, or French immigration.  I don't know why really.  Those immigrants would be even more inclined toward leftist programmatics than poor hispanics from old Mehico and points south.  Despite the current strong push-back against those factors, I figure there's about an even chance the con will pay off in time.
     If progressives manage to turn the whole country blue, the relevancy of being an actual legal citizen will melt away like ice cream on a Tijuana sidewalk in August.  This conclusion might be dismissed as excessively conspiratorial, but California has now rather baldly given the real game away.  You can be sure that plans are afoot to encourage illegals to obtain voter cards and then pursue grassroots efforts to get out the ersatz vote.  As a result California is likely to have increasingly leftist chief executives and legislators until the last major employer, except the state government, decamps for less punitive environs.

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